Starting Stats
Strength | 5 | HP | 30
Agility | 10 | Damage | 2
Intelligence | 5 | Hit% | 5
Vitality | 5 | Evade% | 58
Luck | 15 | Magic Defense | 15
First Weapon | Rapier | Best Armor | Opal Bracelet
Best Weapon | Dragon/Coral Sword | Best Shield | ProCape
| | Best Helmet | Cap
| | Best Gauntlet | ProRing
The Thief kinda sucks. He can't attack well, can't equip much, and has poor defense. His skill is running away, which he does very well. The Thief was "fixed" in Dawn of Souls though. He gets more hits and attacks pretty well.
Pros: Very high chance to run, cheap to equip.
Cons: Medium/poor attack and defense, can't equip good stuff, no magic.
The Thief is the same in Japanese: . Unfortunately, unlike in AD&D and pretty much any other game, the Thief is unable to steal. Thieves appear in FF3, FF5, FF10-2, FF11 and Tactics. FF6's Lock (Locke), FF9's Zidane, and FF10's Rikku are Thieves. The Ninjas: FF4's Edge, FF6's Shadow, and FF7's Yuffie could also be considered Thieves.
Best Weapon | Katana
Best Armor | Opal Bracelet
Best Shield | Ice/Flame Shield
Best Helmet | Heal Helmet
Best Gauntlet | ProRing
The Ninja is a huge improvement over the Thief. While still possessing a superior running ability, the Ninja can equip most weapons and a good amount of armor, as well as being able to cast low-level black magic.
Ninjas gain 1 MP for levels 1-4 on every odd level starting with 15. The MP caps at 4 per level. This means you have to get the class change before level 43 if you want the maximum MP.
Pros: Good attack power, decent defense, can equip most weapons, very high chance to run, ninjas are inherently cool.
Cons: Only level 1-4 spells, can't equip the best armor.
The Ninja is the same in the Japanese version, but for some reason it's in Katakana on the NES: . It was changed to the proper Hiragana on the WSC: . Ninjas also appear in FF3, FF5 and Tactics. FF4's Edge, FF6's Shadow, and FF7's Yuffie are Ninjas. FF9's Amarant could also be considered a Ninja.